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You, our Monthly Partners are the key to our success
and financial stability. It is your partnership which allows the Chabad to continue everyday and thrive. We are deeply grateful for your generous help and partnership.

Hashem will surely bless you and your family for this tremendous Mitzvah.

The little we can do to show our deep appreciation:

Bronze Partner (under $100 per month)

  • Recognition on our Donor Recognition Page and wall plaque
  • High Holiday Honor
  • 5% off all JLI courses

Silver Partner ($100 -$180)

  • All of the above, plus:
  • Free Sukot Lulav and Etrog set
  • One free Kiddush sponsorship during the year for any occasion of your choice

Gold Partner ($180 +)

  • All of the above, plus:
  • Free hand made Shmurah Matzah for Passover