At Snohaimish, we offer a home away from home for everyone who walks through our doors. Our mission is to create a space where all, regardless of affiliation, knowledge, or level of observance, can connect to their Jewish heritage in a non-judgmental environment and engage at their own pace.
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Learning & Inspiration
  • Unexpected MiraclesHow the Rebbe’s Teachings Transformed Me Read More
  • Ross Perot, Foot Soldiers, and Bringing Redemption to the World This generation has the unique tools to unlock the path to Moshiach. Read More
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Shabbat & Holidays
Candle Lighting Times
Edmonds, WA 98020
Weekly Torah Portion
Upcoming Holiday
Feb. 13
Daily Thought
Pharaoh’s advisers tried hard to explain away all the plagues. Even when the Red Sea split, allowed the Jews free passage, and drowned their enemies, there were those who ascribed the entire event to natural causes. Such is human nature, to reflexively seek out a natural explanation for every event. But a Jew, quite the opposite, ponders a natural occurrence and sees a miracle. Because a Jew has an innate inner conviction that there is nothing else...
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